Oferta Formativa
Bibliografía Seleccionada
Recursos Metodológicos
Recursos Bibliográficos
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Apoyo Metodológico
Oferta Formativa
Bibliografía Seleccionada
Recursos Metodológicos
Recursos Bibliográficos
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Museo de la Sanidad
Enlaces de Interés
Ofertas de Trabajo
y Colaboración




The scholarly literature forms a vast network of academic papers connected to one another by citations in bibliographies and footnotes. The structure of this network reflects millions of decisions by individual scholars about which papers are important and relevant to their own work. Therefore within the structure of this network is a wealth of information about the relative influence of individual journals, and also about the patterns of relations among academic disciplines. Our aim at eigenfactor.org is develop ways of extracting this information.
Borrowing methods from network theory, eigenfactor.org ranks the influence of journals much as Google’s PageRank algorithm ranks the influence of web pages. By this approach, journals are considered to be influential if they are cited often by other influential journals. Iterative ranking schemes of this type, known as eigenvector centrality methods [3], are notoriously sensitive to “dangling nodes” and “dangling clusters”: nodes or groups of nodes which link seldom if at all to other parts of the network. Eigenfactor algorithm modifies the basic eigenvector centrality algorithm to overcome these problems and to better handle certain peculiarities of journal citation data.
The Eigenfactor® score of a journal is an estimate of the percentage of time that library users spend with that journal. The Eigenfactor algorithm corresponds to a simple model of research in which readers follow chains of citations as they move from journal to journal. Imagine that a researcher goes to the library and selects a journal article at random. After reading the article, the researcher selects at random one of the citations from the article. She then proceeds to the journal that was cited, reads a random article there, and selects a citation to direct her to her next journal volume. The researcher does this ad infinitum.
The amount of time that the researcher spends with each journal gives us a measure of that journal’s importance within network of academic citations. Moreover, if real researchers find a sizable fraction of the articles that they read by following citation chains, the amount of time that our random researcher spends with each journal gives us an estimate of the amount of time that real researchers spend with each journal. While we cannot carry out this experiment in practice, we can use mathematics to simulate this process.



Datos adjuntos
Tipo de contenido: Recurso Metodológico
Creado el 03/08/2012 13:05  por Antonio Segura 
Última modificación realizada el 03/08/2012 13:08  por Antonio Segura